Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Snack for My Angry Stomach

I made this mistake of drinking a whey protein shake for breakfast this morning. For some reason, my tummy can't handle the wheys-- When M and I used to beef-up at the gym, I used to drink them after almost every tough workout...and 70% of the time, they would make me puke. I always attributed the sickness to the intensity of our exercise and not the whey. This morning, however, I had not exercised anything but my subconscious (dreaming), so it must be the whey.

I'd heard from people that coconut water can soothe an upset stomach in addition to being nature's Gatorade. Mark of Mark's Daily Apple goes into more detail about the amazing nutritional qualities and the versatility of the coconut here.

So for a snack today I had a Vita Coco coconut water with peach and mango to appease my tum, and a Kind Nut Delight bar as a treat to make my her happy.

Glamour Shots

I need to find a good whey protein alternative that's also not soy protein...maybe I'll just stick to getting my protein from whole food sources instead...


  1. I have gone insane for all things coconuts, including coconut water. I will be writing about my increasing coconut habit soon, but that coconut water is amazing. Delicious.

  2. Hello there. I am a fellow IIN student. I read your post and wanted to make a suggestion for a plant based protein replacement for a morning shake that may be easier on your stomach than whey I love Bobs Red Mill but it's just one brand of hemp powder you can try. Hope it helps.
