Dear Massaged Kale Salad,

Where have you been all my life? In all my years of eating leafy greens, why have I not bumped into you? I'm embarrassed that it's taken me so long to make your acquaintance. How could I not have known about your delicious nutritiousness? More importantly, how could I not know how easy you are (no offense)? I just drizzle some olive oil, sprinkle some sea salt and garlic power and massage your leaves until they are a brilliant green. It takes no more than two minutes, and it's delightful!

I've paired you with homemade bacon bits, and with avocado-- you taste great with everything! I will be eating much more of you in the future. Not only are you in season right now, but you are full of calcium, vitamins K, C and A and cancer preventing
organosulfur phytonutrients.
I promise to keep trying all different kinds of you, Massaged Kale Salad, with the hopes that you fill me with nutrients and keep me smiling with your awesomeness.
Ok I see massaged kale salads everywhere and if it's good enough for you to write a letter to it, I seriously need to remember to try it to see what the fuss is for myself. I mean I love kale in every other way imaginable haha